Monday, 18 January 2010

Audience Research

The target audience for my Music Video is Alternative Rock. Most Placebo songs aim to target an audience that enjoys listening to rock music, however the song I have chosen is mostly alternative as it is more emotional and deep than other songs produced by the band.

I have researched the target audience of the band and have found that a high percentage of fans are young. At most concerts held by Placebo the audience are young and a fair distribution of males and females, suggesting that Placebo appeal to both sexes. The lead singers sexuality may lead to more bisexual or homosexual fans as they can identify with him. The majority of fans are aged between 18 and 40 years old, possibly because their lyrics are deep. Some lyrics used need a clear understanding as the audience need to sympathise or be empathic with the person the songs are singing about. Words like ' cockled - eyes' from the Victorian era need an older audience in order to fully appreciate the words used to understand the lyrics and intended meanings.

The video will have to appeal to the target audience and not contradict the emotions and iconography of the song, unless it is strongly supported and is the intended purpose. Fans of the band will appreciate the association with expected aspects of Placebo and be able to recognise similar features in my video with ones seen in their favourite genre type; Alternative rock.

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